Three. Two. One. Go…

Three pets, two people, one cross-country adventure.

I bought a backpack for my cat. It worries me a little that I might have crossed a line. Like the single, middle aged woman buying a backpack so she can take her cat everywhere she goes kind of line. In my defense, it is going to be hot along the way and none of us, cat included, can stay in a locked car with the windows rolled up and the air conditioner silenced. So he gets to come along, relaxing while I carry him on my back. His name is Jasper. He meows a lot. That should be interesting.

Besides Jasper, our merry band of misfits includes two Corgis named Barnaby and Watson, my 12 year old son, Mr. C, and me. That’s it. Until recently there was someone else in our band, but now it’s just us.

I’m pretty sure that when most people are getting divorced they don’t say, “Hey, what a great time to take a meandering journey by car all the way across the country with a kid and three pets!” So, I guess that means I’m not most people. Or maybe it simply means that when life gets wonky we all cope with it in our own way and my way happens to include moving my loved ones from one coast to the other while taking the slowest form of transportation possible.

I’m excited. I can’t wait to get behind the wheel and see what we discover. I’ve driven across the U.S. before, twice to move, once for fun. And, even when I didn’t have the time to stop along the way, I saw interesting things. The types of things you only see if you drive across the country. The types of things you know no one in their right mind would go all that way to see if they didn’t just happen upon them. Fortunately, on this trip, we get to take our time. Three weeks! This means that in addition to those random things we run across, we also get to experience some of the places that people actually go on vacation to see. Can you tell that I’m excited?

Three pets, two people, one adventure. It’s time to go. I’m glad you’re coming along for the ride.

9 thoughts on “Three. Two. One. Go…

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  1. I think a drive across country is the perfect way to cope with life “wonkiness”. I want a picture of Jasper in the backpack!

  2. You are my favorite kind of crazy! You are making memories that will last you and Calvin a lifetime. And if your pets could talk? Oh boy!

  3. Karie, this is fantastic! Can hardly wait to follow you and your entourage on this journey!

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